Whether March comes in like a lion or a lamb, spring is just around the corner! And, you know what that means – spring home improvement projects! Luckily, not all projects that can make a difference for your home cost a lot of time or money. There are a few very simple maintenance projects you can do to make a difference for your home this spring. REPLACE OUTDOOR LIGHTBULBS Although you may have been some outdoor landscape lighting throughout the winter to make your home look warm and inviting, it is highly likely every light or area of your home with outdoor lighting was not used. This spring, take a walk around the outside of your home and test every light for functionality. Ensure lights that are on automatic timers or sensors are working properly and replace lightbulbs where they are burnt out. INSTALL NEW HOSES Before winter hit you
Learn More Now >> →Winter or summer there’s one thing on your mind – your energy bill. If the weather is cold and windy you worry about the heat, and if the weather is hot and steamy you worry about the cooling. But, did you know there are a few simple things you can do to help your energy bill no matter what month it is? Here they are! Keep your thermostat set on auto. If you don’t know the different settings on your thermostat, you should get to know them. No matter whether you are using heating or cooling you can have your thermostat set to “on”, “off”, or auto. What most people don’t know is that when their thermostat is set to “on”, their furnace will constantly run. When a thermostat is set to auto, however, the furnace or cooling system will only run when the house falls above or below the
Learn More Now >> →The winter cold-snap might be over, but that doesn’t mean we are out of the woods yet when it comes to winter weather. There is still plenty of time left in Central Maryland for the wind to howl and the house to get cold. That means, if you haven’t yet this year, you should change your furnace filter. Here’s why! When you replace your furnace filter you eliminate germs and toxins. Over the winter months while the furnace is running it gets packed with germs and toxins such as mold and mildew. Dirty furnace filters circulate dirty air through your home, and if you do not change your furnace filter regularly, these elements can easily make you sick. When you replace your furnace filter your house will be warmer. As your furnace runs throughout the winter, it becomes filled with dust. Dust on a furnace filter prohibits the furnace from
Learn More Now >> →In the winter months, especially in times of extreme cold like we are experiencing now, it is easy to feel like your home is cold all of the time. If you feel like you are extremely cold, however, and your thermostat is set at a reasonable temperature there could be an error in your thermostat reading. Here is what you need to do to determine if your thermostat is going bad. Check your thermostat’s surroundings. It might seem simple, but many times thermostats give readings that are inaccurate or inaccurately control the furnace because they are located near a source of warm air. So, before you panic check your thermostat’s surroundings to see if there is any warm air blowing directly on the thermostat or if there are any sources of heat (space heater, etc.) too close. Take off the exterior thermostat cover. Yes, before the age of nest
Learn More Now >> →It’s easy to lose motivation to make improvements to your home during the winter months. Outside it’s cold, everything inside feels stagnant, and you can’t even open up a window to let the fresh air in. But, did you know that the winter months are actually the perfect time to double down and get things done? That’s right. If you are looking for a home improvement project this year, look no further than the three on this list! Replace your Air Conditioner/HVAC It’s a simple fact that the time of year homeowners are least likely to think about their air conditioner is winter. After all, it’s typically not until something goes wrong that you feel the need to fix it, and if you aren’t using your air conditioner it’s likely you don’t even know it needs to be fixed. However, this winter, instead of waiting until spring to test things
Learn More Now >> →So, you’ve come to the realization you need a generator for your home. Generators come in all shapes, sizes, styles, and power levels. So, if you are confused and not sure where to begin when it comes to finding the perfect generator for your home, don’t worry, you’re not alone! Before you head out to the nearest home improvement store take a look at these times on how to choose the best generator for your home. Know how much power you need The first step in choosing the best generator for your home is knowing how much power you need. Typically, generators are available to purchase starting at 2,000 watts. It is important to note that if you are planning on running your home appliances off of the generator that you will need more power than that. For most homes, a generator offering 3000-6500 watts will work just fine. If
Learn More Now >> →How To Tell if You Have a Sewer Problem and What the Cause Might Be A foul odor creeping up from the basement usually means one thing…sewer problems. And, if you are a homeowner, sewer problems are the last kind of problem you really want to have. Not only are sewer issues difficult to clean up, unsanitary, and literally smelly they can also be rather costly to repair. Here, we’re going to discuss the signs of a sewer problem and the potential causes of sewer problems so you can be prepared if you ever get a backup! Signs of Sewer Problems The most obvious sign of a sewer problem is sewage leaking in your home. Typically, this occurs in the basement closest to the sewage pipes. But, if you have a very serious backup it can potentially cause leaks in other places throughout the home. Therefore, if you ever witness
Learn More Now >> →Fall is here and winter is upon us which means the weather is getting cold. And, with the colder weather comes the necessity of turning the heat on. Although turning on the heat in the winter months is a safe and relatively harmless activity, there are some risks you should always be aware of—and one of them is carbon monoxide poisoning. Carbon monoxide is a colorless, odorless, toxic and flammable gas that is formed when gas or other fuels are not burned fully. People who experience a heightened amount of carbon monoxide in their home become subject to carbon monoxide poisoning. Side-effects are dizziness, nausea, coma, heart/respiratory disease, and in some cases even death. A risk of carbon monoxide poisoning is present any time you turn on your heater or start your fireplace. The good news is, there are things you can do to help prevent carbon monoxide poisoning in
Learn More Now >> →The world of Pinterest and home improvement blogs has led to a big culture of DIY “experts” that want to tackle the remodeling projects in their own homes. However, most of the time DIY projects are way more work than they are made out to be in the blogs and on TV. If you are tackling a DIY remodel of any room in your home (especially the bathroom, laundry room, or kitchen) there are a few reasons you might need to call a plumber. Here are three. You Want to Move Water Fixtures The number one reason you are going to need a plumber during a remodel is if you are looking to move any water based appliances. Something that seems as simple as moving the refrigerator to a different wall may take a relocation of plumbing. Furthermore, many bathroom remodels will require a plumber to make sure everything is
Learn More Now >> →As winter rolls around there’s one thing everyone dreads…the heating bill. It haunts your mailbox and your wallet and pounces on you unexpectedly even though in the back of your mind you knew it was coming sooner or later. It seems as though everyone loves having a warm house, but no one loves paying for it…and we don’t blame them. Luckily, we have a few simple tips to lower that dreaded wintertime bill. Check it out. Know when to open and shut your windows. There is this bright ball in the sky that provides the earth with heat. It’s called the sun. And, believe it or not, as a homeowner you can use the sun to your advantage if you are trying to lower your heating bill. By opening the shades first thing in the morning you allow the daytime sun to come in and warm the home. Then, if
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