Seasonal HVAC Maintenance - FallNow that you survived the blistering summer, it’s time to do some HVAC maintenance. Although it still may be in use, your HVAC unit put in some heavy work during the summer. Tune up your air conditioner, so you have that checked off your list. It’s time to check on the functionality of your entire unit. Do a test of the heating unit before the weather gets cold. You’ll want to be able to flip the switch and know your HVAC unit is going to be working correctly. Call 410 Same Day and schedule maintenance to ensure your air conditioning is ready next summer.

Schedule Regular HVAC Maintenance

Spring and fall are the best times to schedule regular HVAC maintenance. Call 410 Same Day for standing maintenance appointments in the spring and fall to ensure your unit works correctly. Maintenance for many systems in our homes is easy to forget when it’s working correctly. Spring and fall HVAC maintenance can save you time and money in the long run. Be prepared and set the appointments so that you can rest easy. After a brutal summer, your air conditioning unit deserves a spa day or a tune-up, at the least. The fall is also the perfect time to have the heating serviced too. When the first cold air front blasts, you want to be confident that your heat is operational.

Switching From A/C To Heat

The cold temperatures are right around the corner when the scorching weather is finally in the rearview mirror. Starting up the heat isn’t complicated for a DIY person. However, a professional technician knows the significant nuisances of each different HVAC unit. If you have any doubts or don’t want to deal with the switch, call 410 Same Day. When turning on the heat for the first time in the season, you’ll want to open your windows for ventilation. A musty, dusty smell will come out of the vents. This is normal and another reason to check the HVAC unit before it’s frigid outside.

DIY From A/C To Heat

Are you a seasoned DIY person? Do you tackle most home-improvement projects yourself? Then this might be a job for you. The basics of switching from air conditioning to heating are pretty simple. First, you’ll want to open windows for ventilation. Next, you need to adjust the thermostat to a proper temperature. Switch the settings from cool to heat. If you listen carefully, you’ll hear the air conditioning fan turn off. Following that, you should listen to a click when the furnace ignites, allowing gas to flow into your heater. If the heater is functioning correctly, the musty smell will dissipate quickly. Shortly you should feel the heat from the vents.

HVAC Maintenance Is Key

As easy as it is to transition from summer to winter, remember your air conditioning unit will need year-end maintenance. A well-maintained HVAC unit will serve you well for many years. A worn-out part can put an entire unit in jeopardy. Not knowing there is a problem can cost a lot of money. Professional technicians undergo training to inspect and service every component of your HVAC unit.

It’s a relief when the weather cools down after a blistering hot summer. Having a comfortable living environment is important. Keeping your HVAC in top condition is essential. Call 410 Same Day so we can tune up your air conditioning and inspect your heating unit.