If you already know what your HVAC system is, it is time to get to know the roles of your HVAC system.

Roles of Your HVAC System


Let’s start with heat, heating your house through forced air is the responsibility of your HVAC system, it provides warm air to your home when it’s cold outside. Nothing like a drop in the temperature outside to make your house feel chilly and remind you it’s time to turn on the heat. Yearly maintenance will prevent any surprises when the weather turns, the last thing you want as a homeowner is to be frigid indoors. Usually, when it’s cold outdoors and your house isn’t properly heated, your house can become colder inside the house rather than outside. Without a heating method, a cold home can become dangerous to your health and it’s important to call a HVAC specialist as soon as possible to assess your unit.


Ventilation, is the process of circulating the air inside your house. This is similar to the process of opening up your doors and windows and turning on fans to “let your house breathe.” But some people use the fan option on their HVAC unit to do this for them, usually when they are on vacation or if the outdoors has too much pollen flying around. Ventilating your house removes smells, stagnant air, or to circulate fresh air into the home maybe after someone was sick in the home. Either way, ventilating your home is important for your families breathing and may reduce colds or sniffles associated with allergies.

Air Cooling

Air Cooling, or better known as Air Conditioning, just like above is the responsibility of your HVAC system. When it’s hot outdoors and you want to feel cool and comfortable in your home, it’s important that your HVAC system is running properly to do its job for you. Just because the unit is pushing out air doesn’t always mean it’s working properly. It is important to take note that the air being dispensed is cool and the temperature that you set the thermostat to is being reached. For example, if your homes temperature is at 75 and you set the thermostat to 70, it’s important that your house reaches this setting. If not, you may have a problem. In most cases when your HVAC isn’t cooling your house it’s time to call a professional because it’s not something the homeowner can fix!